Get the right start with Frog Street's interactive, hands-on implementation curriculum training that will ensure your new, comprehensive early learning curriculum is being used with fidelity.

In this curriculum training for teachers, we will review the curriculum components to gain an understanding of how they are used for instructional purposes. Daily, intentional lesson sequences for social-emotional development using Conscious Discipline® strategies will be modeled. Teachers will review content area skills integrated into daily lessons representing all domains (Social Emotional, Cognitive, Language, and Physical). Application of learning will be approached through group activities to model key lessons.
Follow-up Training will expand your knowledge of the Frog Street curriculum to further increase the effectiveness of its implementation. This curriculum training for teachers provides an opportunity for educators to share their classroom experience to strengthen their understanding of using the Frog Street curriculum with fidelity. Teachers are encouraged to bring questions and findings based on their observations and experiences.
Frog Street coaching focuses on making sure that educators are equipped to implement the curriculum with fidelity. It is designed to foster communication and support, and the intentionality of coaching is reflected when both coaches and educators are prepared for the coaching session. The coaching sequence includes a strategy session, observation, and modeling.
Coaching is support provided to practitioners that is sustained and focused. You can make an impact on the fidelity of your curriculum implementation by making sure teaching strategies are implemented through examining practice, using support strategies, receiving valuable feedback, and then adjusting support or teaching practices. We know a trusting, supportive relationship will be key to the success of coaching. By meeting with one of our experts through a collaborative discussion on a regular basis, you will see positive outcomes for children. These Q&A sessions are a great follow-up to your coaching sessions, Train the Trainer, and other content-related skill development trainings for teachers. Being able to share “coaching highs” and work through “coaching lows” is crucial. This session provides support and teacher training tools to your administrators and program staff and helps you to get specific questions answered quickly.
This course is a customized, in-depth training of the curriculum pedagogy, organization, and implementation strategies. Focusing on these areas will strengthen the district or agency administrators’ ability to coach and support the fidelity of curriculum implementation and effective, continued use. The course will focus on trainer-led model lessons and participant-led small-group applications to deepen the understanding of the curriculum for more effective future training. In addition, the course instructor will review an Administrator Classroom Observation Fidelity Tool and demonstrate examples. A training module (PowerPoint and supplemental training materials) will be provided for the district or agency to use in their curriculum training for teachers.
Love & Learn is a home-based curriculum that empowers parents to be their child’s first teacher. We will review the components of the curriculum to gain an understanding of how they are used for home visitor-guided interactive sessions. In addition, participants will understand how to implement the curriculum activities, observe the child’s progress, and plan activities with the family member. A special emphasis on developing social-emotional skills will support dyadic and triadic interactions in this curriculum training.
Kids’ Club training is ideal for learning more about a summer school program, end-of-year review, or intervention support—and offers engaging, creative activities to make learning fun! This curriculum training for teachers will help early childhood educators understand how to implement the program to meet the needs of all children.
Virtual coaching ensures that educators are equipped to implement curriculum and instruction with fidelity in the early childhood classroom. The coaching experience is designed to build trust and support by fostering open communication between the coach and the classroom teacher/caregiver. The intentionality of the virtual coaching experience is maximized when both coaches and educators a represent and prepared for the coaching session with a predetermined list of objectives for support and intended outcomes designed to improve implementation and children’s learning. To foster this level of intentionality, the coaching sequence includes a strategy session for planning, observation, reflection, and feedback.

To learn more about our professional development offerings, talk to Frog Street today.